
Importance Of Knowing Your Dominant And Recessive Skills: A Guide For School Students

We are all aware of the fact that every individual has different skills. Some people are good at sports, some are good at academics and some are good at other things. However, there is a certain set of skills that every individual has but awareness of their dominant and recessive skills is not there. A lot can be achieved if only people were aware of their dominant recessive skills and have the resources to work upon them.

UN WHO LifeSkills Model and how it will benefit you

What is the LifeSkills Model? The UN WHO (World Health Organization) developed the Life Skills model to help people manage their lives better. The theory behind this model is that a person’s behavior can be controlled through self-direction, planning and goal setting. The Lifeskills Model has five basic steps: 

  1. Learning about yourself; 
  2. Setting realistic goals for yourself; 
  3. Planning how you will achieve your goals; 
  4. Following up on your plans;
  5. Evaluating your progress.

The first step in the Lifeskills Model is to learn about yourself. This means that you need to take a good look at your strengths and weaknesses. You also need to understand your personal values and beliefs. The second step is to take a good look at the person you want to be. This means that you need to know what kind of person you want to be in the future. The third step is to take a good look at the person you are now. This means that you need to know what kind of person you are right now. The fourth step is to plan for the future and map your current skills with your future and identify the gap in skills required to achieve what you want.

How UN WHO LifeSkills model will help you make career choices

It is very important to be able to make a choice for your career. In the present scenario, where you have an array of options and there are several courses available in different fields, it becomes very difficult to choose the right one. The present day world is so fast paced that it becomes very difficult to find time for yourself. This is the reason why you need to be extra careful while choosing a career. It is important to choose a career which will not only help you in earning but will be something that you’ll love doing.

UN WHO LifeSkills is a global platform for self-assessment. You can use the LifeSkills to reflect on your values, skills, talents and interests. This can help you decide what career options suit you best. LifeSkills was designed to help young people make informed and responsible choices about their future. It helps us understand what we’re good at, how we think and feel, where we want to go and how we want to get there.

  1. It will help in deciding the career based on your skills and interests.
  2. It will help in making a better decision about the job which you are interested in doing. 
  3. It will help in finding out the career that is best suited for you.
  4. It will help you identify the areas you need to improve upon.

USE OF AI and LifeSkills model to help you make sound career decisions

AI based career counseling coupled with the UN WHO LifeSkills model can provide you with a set of tools that will help you in making your career decision. The AI system can help you with your career choices by providing you with information that is relevant to your needs after understanding who you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are. This makes it easier for you to decide on a career path of your choice. It’s an excellent tool for students who do not know about their skills, interests or want to change their careers.

We hope this article has given you some insights into the future of AI in making career decisions! Please like, follow, and comment on our social media pages for more such articles.

The Future Of Your Career Pathways Is Being Driven By Artificial Intelligence

An education is a great investment that provides lifelong returns to society. The combination of technology and educational systems can benefit learners in many ways, including the ability to track their progress through school and guide them toward specific career paths. Technology helps students plan and map out their careers, advance in those fields, and pursue higher education.

There is a clear shift towards the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace. With a growing number of companies using AI, and its adoption projected to accelerate over the next few years, this space will get increasingly crowded.

Study by Google UK

A study has shown that AI-driven career pathways could help students select the right careers and educational paths. The study aims to outline a specific set of actions, which will allow the government to create an AI-driven system that would have an impact on students’ future career choices and decisions.

The report “Artificial Intelligence in Education: How Britain can lead the way” has been released by Google UK and the Creative Industries Federation. The report discusses how AI can be used to improve education, including career guidance for students. The report also outlines a number of specific actions that can be taken by the government to create an AI-driven system that would have an impact on.

The report was commissioned by Google UK, in order to explore how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in education. This is intended to address one of the most important problems – lack of suitable career pathways and mismatch between skills and job opportunities.

AI & Future of Work

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming how we think about the future of work. As a result, the world of work is changing rapidly. This is a challenge and an opportunity for businesses to support their employees with skills development, to ensure they have a good chance of making a successful career transition.

Automation is expected to triple the amount of skills needed in the labour market by 2030. Therefore, it’s critical that businesses work out what jobs will be around in the future, and how they can best support employees through their careers.

AI Driven Career Pathways

AI and machine learning has become a lot more advanced over the past few years. Today, it’s capable of complex analyses that were once only possible for humans. In today’s world, AI can be used to develop career pathways for people based on their skill set and education.

This kind of career planning is crucial as the nature of technology changes rapidly. The skills needed for a job in the present may not be needed in five years, when new technologies have brought about new job roles. However, if you’re able to develop the right AI driven career pathway, you can keep up to the track with changing landscape of work and future of education by continuously monitoring your skills and be up to date with the career pathways most suited for you as you evolve.

The future is coming fast! While there are some hurdles to overcome, the benefits of A.I driven learning pathways for school children are immense. By following our page you will get updates on projects we are working on as well as news from our partners that may be helpful to you in creating your own pathway for your kids and students.

Sebuah Riset Platform Berbasis AI, LifeVitae: Kewirausahaan Menjadi Karir yang Diunggulkan Di Antara Generasi Muda Indonesia

Sejak awal bulan Desember 2020, LifeVitae secara konsisten telah mengadakan sebuah riset berbasis pengguna di Indonesia dengan mengadakan acara dan workshop yang sejauh ini telah mencapai total peserta mencapai lebih dari 14,000. Setiap minggunya, para pengguna baru di usia 18 – 25 tahun yang pada umumnya adalah mahasiswa dan murid sekolah, atau yang biasa kita sebut Gen Z, bergabung untuk menghadiri lokakarya yang mengangkat tema pengembangan diri dan pembangunan profil.

Hal ini dibuktikan dari sebuah riset oleh LifeVitae, sebuah platform AI-Potential-Analysis, yang menggunakan teknologi AI. Anak – anak muda ini dianalisis berdasarkan karakteristik, minat dan bakat mereka (termasuk untuk passion dan hobi mereka). Riset ini menunjukkan bahwa 52.61% anak muda di Indonesia memiliki ketertarikan pada bidang kewirausahaan sebagai jalan karir mereka. Mereka menunjukkan ketertarikan dan motivasi untuk menjadi pengusaha yang sukses. Hal ini sejalan dengan perkembangan dan tren industri bisnis di Indonesia – di mana pengusaha mulai bermunculan semenjak era 2010 dan telah memberi pengaruh atas harapan anak muda untuk rencana masa depan mereka.

Bangkitnya Kewirausahaan Berbasis Teknologi di Tengah Berkembangnya Perekonomian Indonesia

Sebagai negara dengan penduduk terbanyak kelima di dunia dengan total populasi hampir 260 juta jiwa, Indonesia memiliki generasi muda di mana 50% di antaranya di bawah umur 27 tahun. Lebih dari sepertiga dari generasi muda di negara ini, di antaranya umur 15 sampai 35 tahun, ingin bekerja untuk diri mereka sendiri. Ini mungkin bukan suatu hal yang mengejutkan mengingat serangkaian startup unicorn yang sedang booming akhir-akhir ini – Startup yang telah mencapai valuasi senilai US$1 milyar – yang menginspirasi anak muda.

Business leaders seperti Achmad Zaky, pendiri e-commerce marketplace Bukalapak; Nadiem Makarim, pendiri aplikasi layanan transportasi online Gojek; dan Belva Devara, CEO dan salah satu pendiri startup edukasi berbasis teknologi terbesar di Asia Tenggara, Ruangguru – ketika mereka diusia 30an – telah berhasil mendemonstrasikan bahwa pengusaha muda dapat mengembangkan perusahaan teknologi (startup) yang masih baru menjadi perusahaan bernilai miliaran dolar dalam waktu yang relatif singkat.

Dampak Munculnya Para Pendiri dan CEO Startup pada Gen Z

 Kemunculan pendiri dari beberapa startup yang sangat sukses ini dan para CEO yang telah menginspirasi Gen Z untuk memiliki ketertarikan tinggi dan motivasi terhadap bidang kewirausahaan – di mana mereka dapat membawa perekonomian Indonesia menjadi lebih maju ke depannya. Umumnya, Gen Z sudah mencoba untuk mengikuti mindset dari para pengusaha sukses ini dengan menjadi terinspirasi dari semua aktivitas yang panutan mereka lakukan. Ini yang membuat riset anak-anak muda berbasis teknologi AI yang dilakukan oleh LifeVitae ini menarik karena ternyata dari semua kategori ini, bidang Kewirausahaan menempati tempat pertama dalam minat para Gen Z sekarang ini.

 Sebuah hal yang tidak mengherankan dan cukup konsisten, Desain Kreatif muncul sebagai kategori minat anak muda yang dominan di peringkat kedua dalam riset yang sama. Ini semakin mendukung premis bahwa di dalam dunia digital pasca Covid yang terjadi begitu cepat, salah satu kunci keahlian yang dibutuhkan adalah desain kreatif, terutama untuk pengusaha pemula. Sebagai lanjutan dari pengaruh COVID yang membuat keadaan terpuruk namun kemudian menjadi naratif yang membangkitkan kesadaran pada dunia kesehatan, bidang Health & Well-Being muncul sebagai kategori tertinggi ketiga di antara anak muda Indonesia berdasarkan riset berbasis AI ini.

Mengenal Lebih Dalam Tentang Karakter Generasi Muda Indonesia

Berdasarkan hasil dari riset lanjutan yang diadakan oleh LifeVitae, Gen Z memiliki beberapa karakteristik yang dapat dikategorisasikan menjadi dua bagian, human skill dan transferable skill , dimana dalam studinya, keahlian yang dapat digunakan dalam dunia kerja yang juga telah dikuasai sebagai ‘Keahlian Utama (Top Strengths)’, dan keahlian yang perlu dikembangkan dan diasah lebih sebagai ‘Keahlian yang Perlu Dikembangkan (Developing Strengths)’.

Di ‘Keahlian Utama (Top Strengths)’, aspek pertama yang muncul paling kuat adalah Emotive, yaitu kemampuan mengelola keadaan emosinya sendiri dalam setiap aktivitas dan kondisi. Di peringkat kedua, aspek Cognitive mendominasi, yaitu kemampuan mereka menggunakan kecerdasan otak untuk menganalisis, melakukan, dan menemukan solusi atas masalah yang ada. Kedua keahlian ini tentunya sangat berguna bagi Gen Z dalam memahami bagaimana cara dunia bekerja.

 Terlebih lagi, di dalam ‘Keahlian yang Perlu Dikembangkan (Developing Strengths)’, aspek pertama yang perlu dielaborasi lebih lanjut adalah Interactive atau kemampuan untuk melakukan komunikasi yang efektif dan efisien dalam memahami satu sama lain. Biasanya, kemampuan ini tidak digunakan dalam komunikasi atau interaksi langsung – karena sebagian besar aktivitas sekarang sudah mengalami perubahan menjadi digital, sebagai akibat dari pandemi ini. Aspek kedua yang perlu dikembangkan adalah Motive atau kemampuan untuk menjadi bersemangat dan termotivasi dalam melaksanakan kegiatan termasuk perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Riset ini menunjukkan bahwa Gen Z tentunya memiliki motivasi dan passion yang tinggi, namun terkadang mereka mungkin bingung untuk memulai dan bagaimana cara mereka melakukannya. Mereka juga kadang memiliki kecenderungan untuk memiliki ketertarikan yang singkat pada satu hal, cepat bosan dan kemudian mengganti kesibukan dalam waktu yang cepat. 

Is society moving ahead of traditional STEM career choices?

With the rise of industries such as influencer marketing, Gaming and YouTube there has been a change in what we consider to be a “career” and what we want out of our future. While traditional industries like STEM still remain popular, they are not the pinnacle anymore and this is not reflected by the way that people come into these new careers. It’s about expertise, but it now includes those who show their skills through online platforms rather than those who have scientific backgrounds.

The traditional path of post-secondary education, i.e. STEM was the most common way to get into a career. While this is still true, young people are more likely to look towards other industries that also require showmanship and expertise. They include culinary arts, accounting, finance or YouTube careers for example where they can showcase how knowledgeable they are through their social media page. This was not the case just a decade ago when these careers were not even remotely possible.

One example of this is how many kids started coding when they were 10 years old after getting an interest in it from seeing the app “Minecraft”. This made them draw interest in programming and learning about coding. The change in what inspires people can be seen in the rise of coding academies to teach kids how to code, which were unheard of not too long ago. The reason for this is that parents are afraid that their kids will not get into STEM careers because they don’t have the necessary background.

Parents are also afraid that society is changing in how it values different careers and therefore they encourage their kids to learn STEM very early on, sometimes at much younger ages than when coding was introduced to the masses. Some parents even believe that their kids will never want to pursue scientific or STEM careers when they grow up if they do not start young enough, but in reality, it’s the opposite.

With evolving technologies, doors will open for career opportunities which have never been thought or seen before in human history. Lucrativeness also lies in the areas which are still evolving or are yet to unfold. The ground lies ahead for parents as well as the students to make a choice right now thinking far ahead in the future. The question is, are people aware of what they’re good at and what are the areas they can explore?

We Are More Than The Marks We Score

One of the many times I experienced failure at school was when I couldn’t score well in Hindi. Despite working hard, I couldn’t perform well in that subject. One of the many times I experienced success at school was when I scored well in Mathematics. It was one of those subjects where my hard work successfully materialized into good scores. 

Until school, I defined failure in terms of the marks I scored in an examination. It didn’t matter how hard I worked, how many sleepless nights I invested in my academics, or how many sacrifices I made to prepare for an examination. It didn’t matter how I scored what I scored. The only thing that mattered was how much I scored. If that ‘how much’ were any bit less than what I had aimed for, then I would consider myself a failure. 

Such an understanding implied that I considered marks as the only parameter to judge one’s success. Throughout school, I believed in this definition of failure and success. Such a definition caused no harm till I continued to score well. However, it took only one bad performance to shake my self-confidence and lower my self-esteem. 

I prioritized marks to such an extent that it began to take a toss on my mental health. It was only then that I began to question my understanding of failure and success, thereby identifying toxicities in it.

Firstly, it was unfair to conclude I was a failure based on the result of any examination. I was promoting a culture that believes in marks being the only determiner of success in academic and professional life. Secondly, it was unfair to negate my hard work, and obedience based on the result of any examination. I was being severely critical of myself in an unhealthy and unconstructive manner. Thirdly, it was unfair to focus only on the results and not the learning experience. I was communicating that only the destination matters, not the journey, i.e., what matters is only how much you score, not what you learn.

I took my own sweet time to see through the flaws in my thought approach. It took me a long time to burst my bubble and arrive at a definition of failure and success that was much more holistic, one that was willing to see beyond marks. It was then that I realized that life is not a race but a marathon. We are not a failure if we are unable to achieve a specific score in an examination. Even though the system is rigged to favour those who score well and discriminate against those who don’t, we are still much more than the marks that we score. We are our hard work, and passion. We are our experiences and our learnings. 

Written by Shivanshi Khanna ( Young India Fellow ’22)

You Don’t Have To If You Don’t Want To

When I passed out of school in 2015, I held a board examination result that stared back at me with a 100% in Economics, and a 99% in Mathematics. I was proud of my result and grateful for the circumstances that led me to achieve it. On one hand, my result was testimony to my strengths as a student. On the other hand, my clarity regarding the college course was one of my strengths as a person. Defying all the societal expectations, and peer pressure, I found myself enrolled as a student of Journalism at Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi University. This was in spite of initially enrolling for Mathematics Honours at the same institution. 

The decision to pursue a non-mainstream under-graduation course was not the first time I exhibited the ideology of – you don’t have to if you don’t want to. During class 8th, I understood my passion for academics, determined by identifying what I was not passionate about. Thus, in class 9th when I got the opportunity, I opted out of studying science, one of the most favoured subjects, thereby initiating my journey to learn economics at the school level.

Even during college, though economics was my minor during the 1st semester, I later on switched to English for the remaining three semesters. Yet again, I chose a subject that interested me more than the other.

All these three moments have become some of the most crucial moments in my life. Back in class 9th, what some interpreted as leaving science, others understood as studying economics. Post-school, what some interpreted as disregarding mathematics, others understood as studying journalism. During college, what some saw as leaving economics as a minor, others understood as pursuing English instead.

However, I never saw any of those three moments of my life in any of such manners. I was simply pursuing passion which came to me in the form of several different subjects. Even though I was bold with my choices, I took years to accept that they were okay. I took my own sweet time to realise that one does not have to pursue a specific subject or course if one doesn’t want to.

So, how to choose a course? Well, had you asked me this question a year ago, I might have answered it differently. However, if you were to ask me today, then I would nudge you towards a course that interests you. This is because whether you are a school student or a college aspirant, always remember while choosing a subject or course that you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

Written by Shivanshi Khanna ( Young India Fellow ’22)